Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy 29 to me! I have been MIA recently because of many, many things going on in the past month, but I have been thinking up ideas for the blog, as well as creative resolutions for the New Year. First, though, let me show you what I have been up to the past few weeks, including a late Christmas photo.

I decided to go for a blue and green color scheme on the tree this year, which really didn’t go that well considering the tree was green and the lights were blue. I think I need a white tree to make this work, but I’m cheap, so we will see. I did play around a lot with the settings on my camera to try and photograph the tree with more light. I now need a new lens to try and get a Bookeh effect. Maybe next year. The day after Christmas, I headed to IKEA to pick up two pieces of furniture I’ve had my eye on for months, a shoe cabinet, and a sofa table. I added some baskets underneath, which are currently empty and are serving as Franklin’s new favorite place to lay.

New Years and my birthday were pretty fantastic and I’m looking forward to this coming year. I had several resolutions, involving losing weight, eating better, more DIY, spending less money, and worrying less, but I think the most important one is this:

That’s all I really want. Oh, and I am vowing to take a picture every single day of 2012, and at the end of the year, turn them into a coffee table book.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Painting Progress

I’m getting serious about finishing a months-long project I’d like to call my worst idea ever.  One of the first things I wanted to do when I moved into my house was paint the kitchen cabinets white.  Two different types of primer, two different kinds of paint, endless drop-cloths, sanding, paintbrushes, and hours of my life I’ll never get back later…I’m still not done.  But I’d like to share a little progress.  Here is a “during” picture with my open cabinets. 

And now, I would like to share one of my best ideas ever. According to Urban Dictionary, this is the most ghetto way ever to paint your cabinets. “Ghetto… (adj.) jury-rigged, improvised, or home-made (usually with extremely cheap or sub-standard components), yet still deserving of an odd sense of respect from ghetto dwellers and non-ghetto dwellers alike.”  This definitely is improvised and contains extremely cheap and sub-standard components.  Painting cabinets on the floor in a small, cramped room on drop cloths is for the birds.  You will hate yourself and end up leaving said cabinets unpainted on the floor for months.  Instead, get yourself two cheap sawhorses, two long pvc pipes, and duct-tape those suckers to the sawhorses.  Now you have yourself a ghetto, yet very practical way to stand up and paint.  It looks like I just might finish this project by the end of the year!

Maybe when I’m done, I will have some great advice on painting your kitchen cabinets, but for now, I’ll stick with my best advice, which is don’t.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Friday!

I'm up early today, so I thought I would write a little update.  Last night I made some cookies that I found on Pinterest that I will share later on.  I also will be sharing a little bit of tacky Christmas sweater party goodness, including just how many Christmas-related items you can jam on a single sweater.  You will be surprised.  For now, I bring you the picture I'm thinking of using for my Christmas cards.  It's not too late to send those, right?   

Happy Friday!  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My First Post!

Welcome to my blog! I have been wanting to start a diy/craft blog for quite some time and just recently motivated myself to go ahead and do it.  I hope to post projects that I've done, along with a bunch of random stuff that I find interesting.  Like pictures of my cats doing funny things.  Or everything I've posted on Pinterest in the past month.  Basically I'll just be talking about all the creative things I love.  So stay tuned!